Unconventional Thinking - Extraordinary Solutions
Professor Merlyn Mehl founded the company to challenge perceptions of human ability. The development of the potential of every individual remains at the core of what we do, and how we do it.
Professor Mehl was one of the acknowledged world leaders in the field of cognitive development, and everything we do at Triple L Academy pays tribute to his ground-breaking work in this field and is a tribute to a great mind who was taken from us much too soon.
Today, the Triple L Academy continues the ground-breaking work in delivering quality programmes on the NQF, exciting Cognitive Development Programmes in the field of thinking skills, and Short Courses to help your business soar.
We would welcome the chance to be of service to you.
Here are some of our innovative methods...
TACCT - Thinking About Critical and Creative Thinking
Research indicates that your IQ is NOT determined at birth. The ability to think and reason is an ability that can be taught! Even if you do not view yourself as a creative person, you can develop your cognitive functioning for creativity thus reversing years of damage to creativity caused by our education system! Greater creative abilities can be developed by all, and that is what TACCT sets out to do!
Up to age 4 years old, 100% of children tested operated at genius level. By age 20 just on 10% of those tested operated at this level, while beyond 20 years of age less than 2% of those tested operate at genius level.
What happened to most of us? We are schooled out of the original creativity we had. We reproduce thinking patterns that have been passed down over many centuries. We essentially become individuals who reproduce and download from the past, not create afresh.
- Research study at Harvard University
ABET - Understanding Business
Imagine if everyone in your company understood the basic challenges of business and entrepreneurship.Think about how different business communication and negotiations could be if all employees were conversant with the basic literacy requirements of operating in a business environment. It was precisely these challenges that inspired us at Triple L Academy, in partnership with the Services Seta to develop the Certificate in Business Practice.
These literacies are interwoven and amplified throughout the 10-12 months of the programme. It thus serves as an ideal springboard for those who wish to improve their qualifications and promotion prospects later, as well as those who wish to have a solid foundation for improving their ability to understand business practice.
- Triple L's business training centre
Short Courses - Cost-effective Business Solutions
Our corporate soft skills training programmes focus on behavioural competencies that improve interpersonal skills, or “people skills” that build relationships of trust, empathy, and productive interactions, such as anger management, conflict resolution, negotiation and communication skills, team building, personal productivity, strategic thinking and more creative problem solving strategies.
Soft skills may in fact be more important for career development and organizational success over the long term than many specific occupational skills. One example that has been recently very popular is the concepts around civility in the workplace.
Each of these training courses have been crafted so that we can deliver the perfect workshop each and every time. Courses include training manuals, PowerPoint slides, icebreakers, exercise files, and other workshop activities, pre-assignments, post-assignments / assessments, quick reference sheets and even online training versions!
Triple L Academy has teamed up with a leading international developer of soft skills training to offer ground-breaking business training.
- Short Course department